Access your Inner Wisdom through Hypnotic Journeying
Most of us know how important it is to be true to ourselves but how much of an effort do we make to get to know ourselves? Most of us live lives that are mainly focused on the outer world and on others in our lives. However strange it may seem when we think about it, this is a common way of life and it’s not a stretch to see how this can cause us to live in ways that don’t serve us well. How can we be true to ourselves when we don’t really know ourselves as well as we’d like to think we do. Thankfully, the idea of self-discovery is catching on now and it’s changing how we view the world and how we live our lives for the better. Journeying within is a wonderful way to do this and hypnotic journeying is a natural and effective way to not only know ourselves better but to understand just how powerful we really are.
Many of us search for wisdom not realizing that in the end, we only recognize it as wisdom because it resonates within us. When we are deeply moved or inspired by something, we know that it has reached us at a level where our own wisdom resides – which is why it resonates with us. It vibrates, if you will, at the same level as the wisdom that exists within us. So, although it can be wonderful to achieve this resonance or knowing through discovering other people’s shared wisdom, why not go to the source within that helps us to discern this wisdom in the first place? Hypnotic journeying helps us do this and so much more.
It’s hard to describe the surprise and wonder that I see in people when they discover that they have this incredible inner world that is full of revelations and wisdom. All I do mostly is to help people to discover this and help them to navigate this inner world in ways that benefit them as unique individuals. When we journey, it’s always a tailored experience because we are tapping into our own subconscious and superconscious states. I help people to learn hypnotic journeying techniques so that they can ultimately continue to access these states on their own. They can also continue to connect with this inner wisdom to provide continuing guidance, lessons and support in their daily lives.
I know the value of this kind of inner connection because it has changed my life for the better many times over and continues to do so in ways that never cease to amaze me. It began with shamanic journeying and then with plant medicines/psychedelics but what I continually asked for was to take this kind of connection with me and have it available to me – this source of wisdom – in my daily life. And so it unfolded and because this inner connection was of such value to me, I made it my mission to learn how to provide this for others.
If you’re curious to learn more about hypnotic journeying with me, please email me at reach.rebecca@me.com to book a free discovery call.